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Survey of Reach and Market Shares 2023

Titelbild der englischsprachigen Reichweiten- und Marktanteilserhebung 2023

Art. 65 of the Audiovisual Media Services Act (AMD-G) requires a survey of the reach (market shares), coverage levels and user and viewer figures, as necessary for enforcing the provisions of the AMD-G in the context of legal supervision. 

Based on these provisions, market research was carried out in 2022 for the 2021 calendar year, just as had been the case the previous years for the 2020, 2021, and 2022 calendar years. As part of the survey, all providers were queried about reach (market shares), coverage levels and user and viewer numbers. 

In addition to the individual presentation of the survey results, charts were created on the basis of the reported data, with the intention to provide an overview of the represented results. 

All survey results for the areas of television and on-demand services/non-linear audiovisual media services are available on the RTR website at https://www.rtr.at/Reichweiten-undMarktanteilserhebung2023 (in German).

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