Bild für den Bereich Weitere Regulierungsthemen


In the course of a series of afternoon events, RTR.Telekom.Post invites the interested public to engage in a critical discussion of digital topics introduced by a brief talk from experts from the field.

The focus of RTR Netz-Werk-Digital will lie on topics connected to RTR's regulatory activities as well as those of other insitutions with whom RTR cooperates in regards to digital topics. 

The events will take place in German and the number of participants is limited to 60. Please register via the links provided in the overview further below. 

Date and time


Link to the event

29 June 2023
Competition for cloud services
Event details and registration
14 Oct 2021
CloudificationEvent details and registration

17 June 2021



14:30-15:50: Horizontale Themen der Blockchain
16:10-17:30: Vertikale Themen der Blockchain

Event details and registration

19 May 2021


Digitale Europäische Sicherheitspolitik

14:30-15:40: 5G – Sicherheit an erster Stelle

16:00-17:00: NIS2 – ein neuer Rechtsrahmen

Event details and registration

22 Oktober 2020


Andreas Hladky: Digitalisierungsstrategie Österreichs - das Mindset macht den Unterschied
Event details and registration

Date and time

Information according to GDPR

RTR-Netz-Werk-Digital is an event series which is open to the public. A non-binding invitation is extended to a broad circle of people from the ICT sector, politics, interest groups, journalism and administration. Please note that audio and video recordings of the presentation will be made at RTR-Netz-Werk-Digital events for documentation purposes, and it cannot be ruled out that participants will be recorded. These recordings will be available in the form of snippets (key statements) on the RTR website after each event. 

For more information regarding data protection, please refer to the data protection declaration of RTR (in German) in the chapter on image recordings (Bildaufnahmen).