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The eIDAS Regulation is specified in detail in implementing acts. These acts relate in part to trust services as well as to other matters. The following implementing acts relate to trust services:
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/806 lays down specifications relating to the visual form of the EU trust mark for qualified trust services.
Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/1505 specifies the formats of the trusted lists containing the information provided by the competent body of each Member State on the TSPs and the trust services the TSPs provide.
Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/1506 specifies the formats of advanced electronic signatures and advanced seals to be recognised by public sector bodies.
Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/650 specifies standards for the security assessment of qualified signature and seal creation devices.
Austrian Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and Telecommunications
Mariahilfer Straße 77-79, 1060 Vienna, Austria
tel.: +43 1 58058-0