This spectrum was assigned by region in Procedures
F1/09, F1/13 and F3/13, but with a different delimitation of regions in each case.
In procedure
F5/04, assignments were carried out for six regions, whereas in the procedures
F1/08 und
F 1/09 the territory (Austria excluding the province of Vorarlberg) was subdivided into regions based on the borders between federal provinces, with Vienna / Lower Austria assigned as a single region and Eastern / Northern Tyrol as separate regions. In procedure F1/13 only frequencies in Upper Austria have been assigned, in F3/13 only in Carinthia.
In addition, the frequency spectrum - except in the province of Vorarlberg - was subdivided into three frequency blocks (labelled as block 1, 2 and 3). Due to proximity to national borders and the position of preferred channels, the spectrum in Vorarlberg was subdivided into two frequency blocks (labelled as block 4 and 5).
The assignments which expired by 2019-12-31 for these blocks are shown on the following pages:
In Vorarlberg:
A GIF file showing the division of regions (a to r) throughout Austria can be downloaded below.