
Public invitation to tender for frequency allocations in the 3600 MHz and 26 GHz frequency ranges (F 1/22)

Pursuant to Art. 16 Par. 3 Telecommunications Act 2021 is published:

1. Tendering authority

Telekom-Control Commission, Mariahilfer Straße 77-79, 1060 Vienna, Austria, Fax: +43 1 58058 9191

2. Subject of the tender

Frequency usage rights in the 3600 MHz and 26 GHz ranges are to be awarded.

3 Tender documents

Parties interested in a frequency assignment can request the tender documents (without electronic attachments) from the TKK. The prerequisite for delivery (Mon - Fri 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., excluding public holidays) is payment of a fee of EUR 300. In the case of postal delivery, this fee must be transferred in advance to the account of RTR-GmbH at UniCredit Bank Austria AG, IBAN AT45 1200 0006 9617 0109 and BIC BKAUATWW. In addition, the interested party must provide his/her name, address and telephone number in order to receive the award.

4 Tender deadline

The frequency assignment application must be received by the TKK by 12 February 2024, 12:00 noon (local time). Please refer to the tender documents (Section 7.4) for information on the modalities.

5. Note

The tender documents will be published on this page. Annex G can be viewed using standard GIS software (e.g. the free Qgis).

Please note that the English version of the tender document and the auction rules are non-bindung translations of the German language originals.