Pursuant to Art. 55 Par. 3 of the Telecommunications Act 2003, the following information is published:
Telekom-Control-Commission, Mariahilfer Straße 77-79, 1060 Vienna, Austria, Fax: +43 1 58058 9191
In this present procedure, 39 frequency blocks in the frequency 3410 to 3800 MHz will be awarded in twelve regions.
Parties interested in a frequency assignment can request the tender documentation from the TKK. In order for the documents to be handed over (Mon. - Fri. 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, except statutory holidays), a fee of EUR 300 must be paid. If the documents are sent by post, this fee is to be transferred in advance to the account of RTR GmbH, at Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG, IBAN: AT45 1200 0006 9617 0109, and BIC: BKAUATWW. Interested parties also have to provide their names, addresses, fax and phone numbers before the documents are handed over or sent by post.
The application for frequency assignment can be filed as of 19 September 2018 and must be received by the TKK by 26 November 2018 12:00 noon local time. Please refer to the tender documentation (Section 5.4) for the modalities.
The terms and conditions of the invitation to tender are also made available on this website by the regulatory authority, but for information purposes only. The legally binding terms and conditions of the invitation to tender are exclusively those that can be obtained from the regulatory authority for a fee pursuant to item 3.